State Financial Documents

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky creates a biennial budget in even numbered years that is the state's spending plan for two years. While the budget is created every other year, this does not mean budget related work is not happening in the off year. The general outline below shows different aspects of the budget process and who's ​responsible during both even and ​odd numbered years.

Every Year


Finance and Administration Cabinet
The Finance and Administration Cabinet and any institution that manages its own capital construction under KRS 164A.580 provides a status report to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee. This report includes the status of any capital project, excluding items of equipment, not yet completed, which received line item authorization by the Kentucky General Assembly or was authorized pursuant to KRS 45.760(7). (KRS 45.793).


Finance and Administration Cabinet
The Finance and Administration Cabinet and any institution that manages its own capital construction under KRS 164A.580 provides a status report to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee. This report includes the status of any capital project, excluding items of equipment, not yet completed, which received line item authorization by the Kentucky General Assembly or was authorized pursuant to KRS 45.760(7). (KRS 45.793).


Finance and Administration Cabinet
The Finance and Administration Cabinet and any institution that manages its own capital construction under KRS 164A.580 provides a status report to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee. This report includes the status of any capital project, excluding items of equipment, not yet completed, which received line item authorization by the Kentucky General Assembly or was authorized pursuant to KRS 45.760(7). (KRS 45.793).


Finance and Administration Cabinet
The Finance and Administration Cabinet and any institution that manages its own capital construction under KRS 164A.580 provides a status report to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee. This report includes the status of any capital project, excluding items of equipment, not yet completed, which received line item authorization ​​​​​​​​​by the Kentucky General Assembly or was authorized pursuant to KRS 45.760(7). (KRS 45.793).

Odd-Numbered Years


Representatives of the Governor, Chief Justice and Legislative Research Commission
On or before April 1, draft uniform budget preparation forms are proposed. (KRS 48.040(1)).

State Agencies
On or before April 15, state agencies except Department of Highways submit six-year capital improvement plans and project requests. (KRS 7A.120(3)).


Legislative Research Commission
By July 1, LRC prescribes uniform forms, records and instructions for use by all branch budget units in preparation of agency requests and all branch heads in submission of budget recommendations. (KRS 48.040(2)).


Office of the State Budget Director
By August 15, in conjunction with a joint executive-legislative consensus revenue forecasting group a budget planning report is presented. The report includes baseline five-year economic projections and preliminary revenue planning estimates for budget unit requests. (KRS 48.120(1)).


Finance and Administration Cabinet
By September 1, Issue uniform forms, instructions and expenditures statements, and supplies each branch with sets of these documents. (KRS 48.040(3)).


Office of the State Budget Director
By October 15, provide to each branch of government preliminary revenue estimates made by the consensus forecast group for the general fund and road fund for current and next two years. (KRS 48.120(2)).


Chief Justice
Head of each budget unit in the judicial branch submits agency requests to the Chief Justice and LRC. (KRS 48.050) .

Legislative Research Commission
Receives budget requests from executive, judicial and legislative ​branches. (KRS 48.050).

Office of the State Budget Director
By November 15, receive budget unit requests from the head of each budget unit in the executive branch. (KRS 48.050) In election years, the Governor-elect shall receive all budget requests for the executive branch no later than November 10, of the election year. (KRS 48.060).

Even-Numbered Years


By the tenth day of the legislative session, branch budget recommendations submitted to General Assembly for Executive Branch, except in years following the election of a new governor. In the year following the election of a new governor, the budget recommendations shall be submitted no later than the 15th legislative day of the even-numbered-year regular session. (KRS 48.100).

Chief Justice
By the tenth day of the legislative session, branch budget recommendations submitted to General Assembly for Judicial Branch, except in years following the election of a new governor. In the year following the election of a new governor, the budget recommendations shall be submitted no later than the 15th legislative day of the even-numbered-year regular session. (KRS 48.100).

Legislative Research Commission
By the tenth day of the legislative session, branch budget recommendations submitted to General Assembly for Legislative Branch, except in years following the election of a new governor. In the year following the election of a new governor, the budget recommendations shall be submitted no later than the 15th legislative day of the even-numbered-year regular session. (KRS 48.100).

Office of the State Budget Director
On or before the fifteenth legislative day, certify and present to the General Assembly the official revenue estimates made by the consensus forecasting group. (KRS 48.120(3)).