Set Goals

  1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​Set ​​Goals
  2. Determine ​Income not completed
  3. Fixed & ​Variable not completed
  4. Savings Plan not completed
  5. Reach Your Goals not completed

The first step in making a budget is to ask yourself, "What ​do I want to ​do with my money?" and the next ​question is "When do I think I'll have enough money to do what I want?"

Sam wants to go to the movies this weekend, buy a new school book, buy some ice cream for lunch, and get ​a new bike as soon as he can.

Sam knows he doesn't have enough money for everything he wants right away, so he bre​aks what he wants into two ca​tegories...

What do I have to have?What do I sort of want?
A new school book
to go to the movies
A new bikebuy ice cream with lunch

Sam needs the school book, or he'll never learn, and he really…really…really wants a new bike. He wants to go to the movies this weekend with his friends, but he wants the bike more. He always has ice cream with lunch, but he knows that he doesn't really need it.

The next thing Sam asked himself was, "How much do ​the things I want cost?"

What do I have to have?What do I sort of want?
A new school book $25to go to the movies $9
A new bike $9buy ice cream with lunch $3

Sam knew he didn't have enough money for everything, so being very bright he decided to continue making his budget.

Can you set goals for yourself? Do you think you can reach your ​goals? (Remember most things cost money, the more money the thing costs, the ​longer it will take to reach your goals)

Make a list of your goals, and then separate it out into what you need and what you want.

Continue on to Step 2:
Determine your weekly income and expenses